- Ahn,B.(Ionospheric Conductance Modeling)
- Ahn, B. (Ionospheric Conductance Modeling)
- Allen, J. (Storm Effects)
- Altrock, R. (Interested in Developments)
- Anderson, B. (UARS Auroral Currents)
- Anderson, D. (Ionospheric Models, GTIM,PIM,PRISM)
- Andrews, G. (RICE Magnetospheric Specification Model Run)
- Angelopoulos, V. (Geotail Energetic Particles)
- Baker, D. (SAMPEX Data, Energetic Electron Analysis)
- Baker, K. (SuperDARN Radar Data and Analysis)
- Behnke, R. (Interested in Developments)
- Bilitza, D. (IRI Ionospheric Modeling)
- Borovsky, J. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
- Boteler, D. (Canadian Magnetic Observatory Network)
- Buonsanto, M. (Coordinator, CEDAR Storm Study/Millstone Hill Data)
- Burrage, M. (UARS/HRDI)
- Bust, G. (Ionospheric Tomography (MACE Data))
- Calderon, C. (Peruvian Ionosonde Data)
- Cafarella, L. (Antarctic Ground Magnetometer Data)
- Carr, S. (Ionospheric Modeling)
- Cattell, C. (Geotail Electric Field Data Analysis)
- Cayton, T. (GPS Data at 4.2 Re)
- Chen, J. (Global MHD Modeling)
- Chen, M. (Ring Current Modeling)
- Clauer, R. (MAGIC Magnetometer Data)
- Coffey, H. (NGDC Solar On-Line Data)
- Coles, R. (Canadian Magnetic Observatory Network)
- Conkright, R. (NGDC Ionospheric Data)
- Conner, M. (KRM Modeling and Analysis)
- Crooker, N. (Solar Wind/IMF/Plasma)
- Crowley, G. (TIME GCM Runs)
- Davis, C. (Interested in Developments)
- Decker, D. (Ionospheric Models, GTIM,PIM,PRISM)
- Deng, W. (HRDI/WINDII Data Analysis)
- Detman, T. (Interplanetary Scintillation Data)
- Dryer, M. (SOLTIPS Coordinator)
- Dudeney, J. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)
- Emery, B. (AMIE Modeling)
- Engebreteson, M. (MACCS magnetometer data)
- Erwin, E. (NGDC Cosmic Ray Data On-Line)
- Evans, D. (TIROS/NOAA Particle Data)
- Fejer, B. (Low Latitude E-Field Modeling)
- Fesen, C. (NCAR TIEGCM Runs)
- Foster, J. (Ionospheric Analysis/Millstone Hill Data)
- Frahm, R. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
- Fraser, B. (Southern Hemisphere magnetometers)
- Freeman, J. (RICE Magnetospheric Specification Model Run)
- Friis-Christensen, E. (Greenland Magnetometer and Imaging Riometer Data)
- Gary, J. (FREJA Currents)
- Gosling, J. (Interested in Developments)
- Hairston, M. (DMSP Ion Drift Data and RPA Data)
- Heelis, R. (DMSP Ion Drift Data and RPA Data)
- Henderson, M. (Los Alamos Energetic Particle Data)
- Ho, C. (GPS Tomography, Global Ionosphere Maps)
- Hoogeveen, G. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
- Hudson, M. (Radiation Belt Modeling)
- Hughes, J. (MACCS magnetometer data)
- Hughes, T. (CANOPUS Magnetometer Data)
- Hume, E. (Interested in Developments)
- Hundhausen, A. (Mauna Loa K-Coronometer)
- Inan, U. (VLF D-Region Measurements)
- Jacobson, A. (Los Alamos Plasmaspheric-Drift Interferometer)
- Kamide, Y. (KRM modeling)
- Kikuchi, T. (Equatorail Magnetomter Data Analysis)
- Kivelson, M. (Galileo Data, Low resolution B data at 3.6 AU)
- Knipp, D. (Coordinator, Data Assimilation to include AMIE)
- Kozyra, J. (Ring Current Modeling)
- Kroehl, H. (Interested in Developments)
- Kutiev, I. (Interested in Developments)
- Lambour, R. (Modified Magnetospheric Spec Model Plasma Density)
- Lanzerotti, L. (Geopotentials/mid latitude magnetometer data)
- Lazarus, A. (IMP-8 Solar Wind Plasma)
- Li, X. (SAMPEX Data, Energetic Electron Analysis)
- Link, R. (UARS PEM/WINDII, Photoelectrons and Energetic Particles)
- Linker, J. (Solar Modeling)
- Lu, G. (Auroral Boundaries/Particle Spectra)
- Luehr, H. (IMAGE Magnetometer Data)
- Lui, T. (Geotail Energetic Particles)
- Mannucci, A. (GPS Tomography, Global Ionosphere Maps)
- Manson, A. (Lower Thermosphere Winds)
- Masuda, S. (YOKHOH X-ray Image Data)
- Maurits, S. (University of Alaska Polar Ionospheric Model)
- McAllister, A. (YOHKOH Solar Images, Stream/CME ID and Interactions) *
- McEwen, D. (Optical Data at Eureka 89 deg. Magnetic)
- McHarg, G. (Auroral Pulsations)
- McLandress, C. (UARS WINDII)
- Melendez, D. (Field Line Interhemispheric Model)
- Meriwether, J. (Lower Thermosphere Optical Data)
- Miller, K. (Thermospheric Winds, Transient Electric Fields)
- Milling, D. (SAMNET Magnetometer Data)
- Morris, L. (NGDC Geomagnetic On-Line Data) *
- Mukai, T. (Interested in Developments)
- Mursula, K. (FREJA Electric Field and Low-Frequency Wave Data)
- Nakamura, M. (Geotail B-Field & Low Energy Particle Data)
- O'Loughlin, K. (NGDC Ionospheric Data)
- Obara, T. (Akebona Data)
- Olson, J. (Alaska-Canada Meridian Chain Magnetometer Data)
- Onsager, T. (Cusp and Nightside Particle Spectra)
- Orr, D. (SAMNET Magnetometer Data)
- Papitashvili, V. (IZMEM Modeling)
- Patterson, E. (Cosmic Rays)
- Pinnock, M. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)
- Prinz, D. (UARS Solar Spectra, Oxygen profile, Ozone profile)
- Raeder, J. (Global MHD-Ionosphere Model)
- Reeves, G. (Los Alamos Energetic Particle Data)
- Reinisch, B. (High Latitude Digisonde Velocity obs and e-profiles)
- Rich, F. (DMSP Particle Data)
- Richards, P. (Field Line Interhemispheric Model)
- Roberts, B. (Interested in Developments)
- Robinson, R. (Interested in Developments)
- Roderiguez, R. (All Sky Camera Data)
- Rodger, A. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)
- Rosenberg, T. (Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
- Rostoker, G. (CANOPUS Magnetometer Data)
- Ruohoniemi, M. (SuperDARN Radar Data and Analysis)
- Russell, C. (Interested in Developments)
- Samson, J. (Auroral Structures)
- Scali, J. (High Latitude Digisonde Velocity obs and e-profiles)
- Sharber, J. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
- Shepard, G. (WINDII Data)
- Shiokawa, K. (210 degree Magnetometer Chain Data)
- Singer, H. (GOES 6 & 7 Magnetometer and Energetic Particles)
- Spence, H. (Interested in Developments)
- Stauning, P. (Greenland Magnetometer and Imaging Riometer Data)
- Steele, D. (CCD All sky images of aurora and airglow)
- Sulzer, M. (Arecibo Incoherent Data)
- Sun, W. (Interested in Developments)
- Szuberla, C. (Lonyearbyen Magnetometer Data)
- Terasawa, T. (Geotail B-Field & Low Energy Particle Data)
- Thomsen, M. (Interested in Developments)
- Tobiska, K. (Modeled Solar EUV Irradiance)
- Totten, T. (Solar Wind Shock Modeling)
- Troshichev, O. (Arctic and Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
- Tschan, C. (Interested in Developments)
- Tsurutani, B. (Interested in Developments)
- Valiz, O. (Peruvian Ionosonde Data)
- Vassiliadis, D. (Non-Linear Time Series Analysis of SW data)
- Viljanen, A. (IMAGE Magnetometer Data & Ground Voltages)
- Watari, S. (Solar Sector Boundaries)
- Watkins, B. (University of Alaska Polar Ionospheric Model)
- Weatherwax, A. (Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
- Weimer, D. (High Latitude Electric Field Modeling)
- Weiss, L. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
- Wickwar, V. (Fabry Perot OH winds and O (1D) winds)
- Wilkin, P. (Interested in Developments)
- Wilkinson, D. (Satellite Anomalies Studies)
- Wilkinson, P. (Australian Ionosondes)
- Winningham, D. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
- Worthington, W. (Boulder CO Ground Magnetometers and Spectragrams)
- Yumoto, K. (210 degree Magnetometer Chain Data)
- Zaitzev, A. (IZMIRAN Ground Magnetometer Chain)
- Zanetti, L. (FREJA Currents)
- Zhou, Q. (Arecibo Incoherent Data)
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